Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Story In Your Eyes

Last summer, veteran music writer & uber-blogger Steve Simels wrote that "Sky Full Of Holes" by New Jersey rockers, Fountains Of Wayne was his choice for Rock Album of the Year for 2011. He added "It's not even a contest."

Far be it from me to disagree with Mr. Simels, although to be fair, there was some brief discussion of Fountains Of Wayne beginning to 'eat it's own tail' in terms of songwriting. They have certainly developed their own unique sound & style by now and I can see where it might be easy to lean back and ride the formula. Yet, I will quickly digress.

The bottom line is that smart, poignant and funny storytelling matched with deft compositional & melodic skills never go out of style. "Sky Full Of Holes" is still the most fun I've had listening to any new release from anybody so far this year or last. It might even top their previous best, "Welcome Interstate Managers", which set a rather high bar.

If you buy the exclusive MP3 download version from Amazon, you can get a couple of extra tracks, including this stellar cover version of the Moody Blues' classic chestnut, "The Story In Your Eyes". Enjoy!

Definitely do pick up some of F.O.W.'s earlier work at Amazon. Your ears will be so happy!

It should go without saying that you simply must have some Moody Blues in your collection, preferably the 7 albums from '67 thru '72. There oughta be a box set of those!

And, so that props are given where due, you should go check out Steve Simels' Powerpop blog, when you have a minute. It's short, often snarky and a fun read.


  1. You are a man of exquisite good taste. And thanks for the shout-out.
